A native Atlantan who grew up in Sandy Springs and Dunwoody, Georgia, Dr. Marion graduated in 1988 from the Emory University School of Dentistry. Since then, he has pursued continuing education at triple the rate required by the state of Georgia.
Professional Accomplishments
After receiving his dental degree, Dr. Marion pursued post-graduate training at the Pankey Institute in Florida, where he was taught complex restorative dentistry, occlusion, and TMJ treatment. The skills he learned there, besides equipping him to provide world class dentistry, have helped him to excel at sleep medicine.
Based on his proficiency with dental implants, the oral surgeons who work with Dr. Marion have selected him as an Associate of the American Society of Implant and Restorative Dentistry.
He has also been elected a Fellow of the International College of Dentists, an organization that recognizes the world’s leading dentists. A nominated dentist must pass a rigorous, peer-review process leading to the recognition of their “outstanding professional achievement, meritorious service, and dedication to the continued progress of dentistry for the benefit of humankind.”
Dr. Marion strives not only serve his patients, but the dental community at large. In doing so he hopes to improve dental care for all patients. As a result of his efforts, he was recently awarded Honorable Fellow in the Georgia Dental Association, which is given to dentists who have demonstrated distinguished service. He served as President of the Northern District Dental Society for 2024, as well as the Assistant Secretary/Treasurer of the Hinman Dental Society.
But the honor that pleases him the most was when his favorite dental school professor chose him to provide his personal dental care.
Formative Experiences
As a child, he had a chemistry set he enjoyed a lot. He also enjoyed working with his hands and would disassemble and put back together antique phones his dad brought from work. When he got to know a wonderful pediatric dentist who embodied how he saw himself as a grownup and realized that dentistry would give him an outlet for his love of science, of working with intricate things, and of working with people, he made up his mind to become a dentist.
His grandmother taught him an important lesson when he was 15. He was trying to sell his boat and motor so he could purchase a mini-bike. Someone was coming to see it, and his grandmother asked if he had washed it. He told her he didn’t have to. She said, “You go out and wash that boat,” to which he protested, “Why?” She told him, “You can’t sell something that looks like crap!” Her bluntness got his attention, so he washed the boat and sold it that day. He remembered that lesson and from that time forward he made sure everything he did was as presentable as he could make it.
Then, two years out of dental school, he was working with a dentist who had been trained at the Pankey Institute in Florida, where they teach advanced restorative dentistry and bite equilibration. After learning that Dr. Marion had headaches almost daily, the other dentist checked his bite and discovered that he had significant bite irregularities. After 15 minutes of bite equilibration, Dr. Marion was completely cured of his headaches—they were gone. So he decided to attend the Pankey Institute himself and qualify himself to provide that level of service. “When I equilibrate someone who truly needs this,” he says, “and they finally for the first time feel what a solid bite feels like, they look at me like I’m a superhero. This brings me great joy!”
Another of his principal joys in his work comes from his cosmetic dentistry. “I had a CEO of a major company come to us,” he says, “and we noticed that whenever he laughed he’d subconsciously cover his smile with his hand, pretending to be rubbing his chin. The first time we saw him after his smile makeover, he was literally a different man, coming in with confidence on steroids and a massive grin. It makes my day, heck, it makes my month to change someone’s life with a new smile!”
His Treatment Philosophy
- “A beautiful, shapely smile and its function are closely intertwined; one can’t truly have one without the other.”
- Saving teeth and conserving existing tooth structure is important to him. He has pursued learning specialized techniques to keep tooth reductions as minimal as possible.
- Also, the trust of his patients is very important to him. He feels that his patients are his friends, and when they refer their friends, those patients then become Dr. Marion’s friends.
Memberships and Honors
- Member, American Dental Association
- Member, Georgia Dental Association
- Honorable Fellow of the Georgia Dental Association
- Member, Academy of General Dentistry
- Member, Hinman Dental Society, where he has also served as the Assistant Secretary/Treasurer
- President, Northern District Dental Society
- Associate of The American Society of Implant & Reconstructive Dentistry (ASIRD)
- Fellow of the International College of Dentists
His Personal Life
Dr. Marion showcases his artistry outside of the dental office with his hobbies of woodturning and woodworking. In his spare time, Dr. Marion also enjoys exploring the Appalachian Trail and cycling the back roads and trails of Georgia and North Carolina with his wife, Paula. On one of their bike rides they found two kittens in a culvert, which they took home and adopted into their family. They have raised one son who is in college, and the two kitties are still at home.
Dr. Marion’s Contributions to the Community
Dr. Marion enjoys giving back to his community and helping those who cannot typically afford even basic dental care. He supports local sports teams and events and has an active share in providing professional volunteer dental services. Dr. Marion has been happy to give of his time to serve in the following capacities:
- Hebron Dental Clinic: volunteer dentist
- Dental Lifeline Network volunteer where they provide pro bono dental work for needy individuals
- Good Samaritan Charity Clinic supporter
- Greater Atlanta Dental Foundation member