I’m worried I did something that could have damaged my new dental bonding because I haven’t even had it a week yet and it is already turning yellow. The only thing I can think that could have possibly done anything is the baking soda I use to brush with. I’ve always brushed with baking soda but maybe there is a chemical reaction with the bonding material? I have no idea. Will getting my teeth whitened fix this or do I have to start over?
Dear Kellie,
Dental Bonding used to repair a chipped tooth
I am glad you reached out. Teeth whitening will only whiten natural tooth structure. Because of that, it will not be a help in getting your dental bonding back to its original color. However, there is a polishing your dentist can do that will get the color back up.
He (or she) obviously did not give you any instructions on how to care for these, which bothers me some. Because you’ve only had your dental bonding for under a week and he should have explained to you what type of toothpaste to use, it is my belief he should repair this for you free of charge.
Baking soda is fairly abrasive so it is possible that it damaged the surface and that is why it is picking up stains. I generally recommend patients who have cosmetic work done use Supersmile Toothpaste. It is proven to keep your teeth clean while not damaging either your natural tooth structure or your dental work. It’s fairly easy to order online.
If after your dentist repairs the surface, make certain you are using Supersmile. If this same thing happens, it may be an indication your dentist is using inferior materials and you would need a better cosmetic dentist to restore them. It won’t cost as much as having them redone.
This blog is brought to you by Duluth, GA Dentist Dr. David P. Marion.