My husband recently had two dental implants placed. I can smell them. I have chemical sensitivities and I am certain this smell is because my husband’s dentist gave him the metal implants. I tried to talk him into seeing a natural dentist but he thinks they are “hokum”. The smell is so bad that I even have to sleep with my face under the covers. It almost smells like rubber. I think he should remove them and do the metal-free ones, like you offer, but the dentist says he only does the metal ones. What information can you give me that will convince the dentist these need to change?
Dear Sunny,
I think there is something else going on with your husband’s dental implants than just them being metal. The reason I say that is because these metal implants are made out of titanium, which is very inert. There is no smell. You can even ask his dentist to let you see one so you can smell it yourself. I am not doubting that there is a bad smell, I just do not think it is coming from the dental implants.
The more likely possibility is that there is debris and other bacteria getting caught under the dental crowns that are attached to his implants. This will give off a nasty smell. Some people have more trouble with their oral hygiene when dental restorations are involved. Here are a couple of things which may help that. First, have him floss with a waterpik. That will get to more debris. Second, about once a week he can rinse with some peroxide. He won’t want to do that every day or it will lead to an oral yeast infection. Every once in a while is okay though.
What you don’t want to do is have your husband switch these unnecessarily. When dental implants are removed it takes bone with them. That means he will need TWO more surgeries in order to replace implants that are completely functional. One to graft bone into the area and another to place new implants. That is a lot ot put your husband through.
Try the things I mentioned first and see if that solves the smell issue.
This blog is brought to you by Decatur, AL Dentist Dr. David Marion.