I have pretty advanced gum disease and have already lost seven teeth. Is it possible for me to get dental implants to replace my teeth or will I be stuck with dentures?
Dear Joe,
Dental implants are a great solution when you’ve lost your teeth. Anyone in good general health can usually get them. However, your gum disease will be an issue that will have to be addressed in order for this to be a successful option for you. In order to retain your dental implants, you need to have enough bone to integrate with the implants. Gum disease eats away at your bone structure, which is why you’ve been losing your teeth.
Here is my suggestion to give you the best outcome possible. Get serious about your gum disease treatment. Once that is handled, you will need to build back up the bone structure. There is an outpatient procedure known as bone grafting which can do that. Once you’ve healed from that, it will be time for your implants.
I know you’re probably thinking that is a lot of trouble to go through to get those implants. Maybe it would be easier to just get dentures? While it may seem easier at first, you will not feel that way with your quality of life. Even the best fitting dentures reduce your chewing capacity by 50%. Then, because there are no roots of your teeth any longer, your body will begin to resorb the minerals in your jawbone. This shrinks your jawbone to the point where you will no longer be able to keep your dentures in. The implants are worth it. They are like having healthy, natural teeth once again.
This blog is brought to you by Duluth, GA Dentist Dr. David Marion.