I need some advice. I had an implant bridge placed on the bottom right side of my mouth. Before that, all of my teeth lined up, even though the teeth had some problems. Now, I have a problem with the side with the bridge lines up and touches, but the other side does not. Not only are they no longer touching, but my jaw seems to be on a slant there. I don’t think this is normal, but my dentist seems to think it is nothing to worry about. Is he right? It just doesn’t feel comfortable to me. Though, my dentist says I will adjust to it. Will I? Right now it doesn’t seem like it.
Dear Caryn,
No, this isn’t okay. It is always frustrating to me when medical practitioners say, “You’ll adjust”. Maybe you will get used to being uncomfortable and in pain, but you shouldn’t have to. Plus, if this is left untreated, it will very likely lead to TMJ Disorder.
When dental crowns or bridges are done correctly, the bite should line up perfectly and they should not be noticeable at all. Your dentist should know this. My guess is he recognizes there is a problem, but doesn’t know how to fix it. Implant dentistry is not a recognized specialty. Dentists have to choose to invest in enough dental implant training to become skilled. Not many do, which may be why is it is one of the procedures leading the list of dental malpractice suits.
Here is my suggestion. I want you to look at Dr. Marion’s qualifications. Then, I want you to find a dentist in your area with similar qualifications to look at your case. If it is as bad as I think, they can help get it repaired. Because the implants may have to be removed, I don’t want you to just get a refund. The repair will very likely cost more than the original procedure. Because if your implants have to be removed, they will take bone with them. You will need some bone grafting done if your new dental implants are to be properly secured. This will require a bone grafting procedure. Instead of a refund, I want you to tell the dentist you want him to have it repaired by a dentist of your choosing.
This blog is brought to you by Duluth, GA Dentist Dr. David Marion.